1. Kv 值, 欧洲水测量法(5~30°C) 100% 开度,升/分钟 ΔP=1bar Kv (following standard NF E 29312) : The French KV value is an experimental coefficient based on laboratory conditions and expresses the volumetric flow across a valve. The KV coefficient is defined as the flow of water through a fully open valve in litres per minute with a pressure differential ΔP of 1 bar; 2. Cv 值, 美国水测量法(60ºF=15.5℃),加仑/分钟 ΔP=1psi Cv : The imperial equivalent of the KV coefficient is the Cv coefficient defined as the flow of water through a valve in US gallon per minute at a differential pressure ΔP of 1 psi across the valve; 3. Q 值, 气流,升/分钟,ΔP=1bar 标准额定流量 Q,即在标准条件下的额定流量,其单位是 l/min。通常对方向控制阀来说,测试时调定的输入压力 P1=0.6MPa (6 bar),输出压力 P2=0.5MPa (5 bar),即压降 P=0.1MPa (1 bar) 时,通过被测元件的流量 (ANR,遵循 ISO 8778 ) 即为标准额定流量。